Sunday, July 10, 2016


Hello Everyone! I'm back with another V.Live+ review, this time for BTS. I'll be focusing on the first episode of their new V.Live+ series, Bon Voyage.

As most of my followers are fans of BTS and may have already seen the show, I spent some time thinking about what exactly I should review. In the end, I decided to focus this review towards those who haven't yet seen the content. I'll be discussing what I think of the overall production of the show, some of the content itself, and what I find to be the pros and cons of the broadcasts so far!

Unlike my previous review, you may notice that there are no screenshots haha..That's because I forgot to screencap while watching the live show on my PC :( Oops. (But you've probably already seen screencaps floating all over Twitter, etc. anyway so I doubt you need mine..)

I'll start with the basics- The entire Bon Voyage show costs 400 coins to buy. Since there's 8 episodes, that's 50 coins per episode. Each episode also comes a gift VOD (video on demand) Behind Cam. So for roughly $8USD, you're getting more or less 7~8 hours of footage.

Each video also has the option to be downloaded within the app. This means you can replay it without an Internet connection on the app. You can even choose which resolution to download it at, from 144p to 1080p. I think the download feature can be a great thing to take advantage of if you're worried about data or you're someone who likes to watch something again and again >3< (I haven't done it myself because I have no free space on my phone- uh oh)

Okay onto the episode review! I'm not an experienced reviewer by any means so I'm just going to give a brief overview of what happened in the show. First off, it was definitely a full length episode- the official time on the app reads 46 min 35 seconds. It looks like this time doesn't include the live commentary, which doesn't seem to be included in the VOD available on the app. With the special live commentary for the first episode, the live broadcast ran just around an hour.

As it was the first episode, much of the content was just the boys finding out their destinations, packing their luggage (the producers only gave them an hour to pack and mild panic ensued lol), trying to figure out the self check-in at the airport, etc. etc. I have to say, it was kind of amusing to see idols struggling with something "normal" people do on a daily basis. 

The boys' first destination was Bergen, Norway. I think the most notable incident of this entire episode was Jimin forgetting his bag on the bus, lol. It made for a great show, but the poor kid was so worried about his bag. In the end when he finally got it back, he confessed he just didn't want to lose it because it was a carrier fans had gifted to him. Precious Jimin :(

Another cute moment was Jungkook trying to figure out the laundry machine; he sat there trying to figure out what all the settings said by entering them into Naver Dictionary (my favorite tool btw, awesome if you're trying to learn Korean!).

The first episode ended with the boys holding a little surprise party for Jungkook to celebrate his Coming of Age day, complete with ramen and candles balanced precariously on top of a cake Jin and Namjoon found for him at a market that they went to earlier to stock up on groceries.

Overall I thought it was a pretty entertaining episode, though I'm not sure what the central focus would have been on if Jimin hadn't lost his bag haha..I think the captions especially were really cute. The little commentary and captions done in post-editing were done really well (at this point I'm not referring to the translations, just the captions in Korean). It reminded me of the captions for Run BTS and BTS Gayo because those were always really hilarious.

The translations of the captions and subtitles were pretty great too. Since this show wasn't broadcasted "live", the subtitles were made beforehand and they were very good quality. Of course during the live broadcast there was special live commentary, so those segments were live translations, but the actual show footage was all pre-done. 

Oh! I'd also like to mention the gift VOD for the first episode. This first gift VOD was a 12 minute compilation of the members' self cams of their time at the airport. With the way it was edited, it reminded me of a bunch of Bangtan Bombs all squished together. There's a lot of tiny clips, sometimes funny, sometimes cute, always really fun to watch. One that remains the most in my memory is Jimin filming Hoseok eating his bread forlornly outside their airport lounge because he wasn't allowed to eat it inside haha. Again, the captions were really great and the translations were done really nicely since it was all pre-done. Definitely a wonderful gift ;3;

So to sum up:


  • Great translations of the subtitles
  • Good quality broadcast
  • Length of broadcast
  • In-app download feature
  • Gift VOD


  • Live commentary not included in the VOD
  • Taehyung wasn't in this episode due to his drama filming aw
  • Why can't I think of any other cons?

So, should you spend your precious coins on Bon Voyage? In my opinion, yes. Do it. But if you can't afford the whole 400, I suggest saving what coins you do have for some later episodes, as I assume the "action" will pick up the longer they stay abroad.

As usual, if you have any questions about how to purchase and use coins you can check the V app help page. If you're curious about anything regarding V.Live+ feel free to ask me!

Do let me know if my review helped you out ^^


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